
How to create a productive workspace

With many of us actually looking forward to being able to return to work over the next month or so, you may be wondering how it is going to feel getting back into a full working day. It may be that for the last 12 months you have been working from home or only able to work certain days to allow for social distancing. Once everyone is back in the office, you may find it a little different.

If you have your own office space to work in then you should consider how it is laid out. It is important to have items where you need them in the office to be productive but also you need to think about your posture and where you are in terms of the light coming into the room.

It is a good idea to have a desk that faces out to wards a window as long as you do not get too distracted by passers-by.

Some people like to make their workspace homely so may bring in photos of loved ones to put on their desk or personal belongings to have around. This can make your workspace feel more like an extension of your home but for some people these things only cause distractions.

Having a tidy desk is important to help aid production. Having a cluttered, messy desk not only means you will find it hard to find items you need but also give you a feeling of stress and panic.